Thursday, October 29, 2009

They are just cracked out!

It's amazing at what the cell phone companies DON'T get it. No matter how cool the phone I DO NOT want to pay for data plan on a phone. It's not really worth the thirty bucks a month (a 30% increase in our plan) to squint down at the screen to check my email. I admit there are other features and apps that are more rewarding in their use of the internet but when a device has wifi built in and I can grab it for free in a lot of places it makes shelling out that much money less attractive by the minute. And it's too bad because there are a number of times (and whole lot more coming this holiday season) that I would have happily forked over the money needed to upgrade a new phone before my contract ends. The world of smartphones and their consumers are changing and the phone companies need to get real with it. I guarantee you that if they would make their plans more attractive (ala T-Mobile is right now with Project Black) that I would have something that told me the time, made phone calls, and played a few games in my pocket right now. And they would have my dough but instead I will reward companies who work for my dollar with my hard earned cash... or save money for school, whatever comes first.

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