I am a man of two faces. Maybe three or four. Countless are my faces. Because every time I meet someone, pick up the phone, walk down the street I am someone else. Each face is similar to the other but familiar to the trained eye but with each passing moment the faces change. They grow weary of monotony, eager to please, inquisitive with each passing moment. The reason I talk about faces is because in life we each have different desires with each passing day, goals and aspirations of who we want to be and a vivid idea of who we are in the world. I am the person who wouldn't trade my job for the world but ask me how things are going at 12:30 in the morning with mop in hand and you may get a different sentiment. The happiness that I have when i'm on the field sharing with kids my love for the "beautiful game" permeates my thoughts whenever they dwell upon work which paints a rosier picture when I talk about it. The stark realities are very apparent when I picking up gum from the floor that people had a hard time putting in the garbage (must be some kind of evil force field). I love technology but if I had a bat for every time a piece of silicon jerked me around I would be sitting in mountains of thousand dollar sand. I want to create a masterpiece. I just don't know in what medium. My fingers yearn to be part of something great, an instrument of lasting fame (because i'm more than certain my voice isn't the ticket). My interests vary so widely I feel like an excited kid who can't decide which toy he's going to take with him. I wouldn't have to have a masterpiece in terms of the Mona Lisa but something very concrete, something that really bears my mark. I guess I ought to learn a skill in order to get started. What will my business card say of me? Entrepreneur, interpreter, teacher, counselor, owner, manager, nerd, husband, father, priesthood holder, brother, son, uncle, Cliffnerd, Cp, Clifford, Cliff, student, employee? I guess only time will tell but might as well get started now with my bucket list (in no particular order).
1. Learn to code/design a website, move this blog to said site.
2. Return to Puerto Rico
3. Reach a point where I can become a certified interpreter in both American Sign Language and Spanish
4. Build/Own a business (and how will i love it if it ended up being a indoor soccer place, I can already hear Brynn groaning).
5. Continue to blog, or journal keep for the rest of my life.
6. Start a family and raise them well.
7. Build a house (or remodel it), I want to work with my hands.
8. Program my Quidditch game, NHL '94 style.
9. Finally hold my version of Muggle Quidditch.
10. Gain a working knowledge of cars and begin to work on my own (provided they don't all leapfrog to the future).
11. Twelve books a year for an average of a book a month. Start knocking out books from the list of 1,001 books you need to read before you die.
12. Read the scriptures every year.
13. Finish my four generation pedigree chart and hoard all the information I can get on them. Digitize all I get my grubby hands on.
So much to do and more to come.
Witten's Birth Story
I haven't blogged in a very long time! But I have to remember Witten's
birth story so here it is!
I was induced June 12, 2017. I went into the hospital a...
1 thoughts:
What a great spirit you are looking to the future with! These are wonderful goals! Don't feel burdened, as we all feel that way at this time in our lives. You are doing great, you and Brynn too! I wish we could hang out more often, we should make it happen even if all four of us are in school this term!
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