Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's upon us

School starts tomorrow the great monolith of monotony but it has to get done. Hopefully when it picks up I will have some interesting classes. ASL should be more challenging as we progress to the 200 level and it will really neat to see everyone develop and start to grasp the conversational aspects of sign. This begins the final run down towards the application process to the ITP program. This is what i've been aiming for about three years. In the end I don't know if I will end up sticking as an interpreter, maybe just as long to pay some bills down and save enough to go back to school. This term will bring a lot of changes to our home with Brynn going back to school I don't how much we will see of each other with work and school we will be in and out a lot. I can only imagine that the house will feel a lot emptier at times but we gotsta get our edumacation. For all of those going back good luck and those unlucky to be out, haha!

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