Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Date Nights

I've always been told that once you get married its a good idea to have a date night once a week. I've always thought that was a pretty cheesy idea but now I've kinda changed my mind on the subject. We've never really scheduled date time just because of the normal excuses... we have school and work and church and blah blah blah blah.. we do spend a lot of time together but we aren't very good at taking a night to do something different. We have decided as of last night to start doing this at least once a week. We will keep you posted on how well we actually do. Last week we saw Avatar which was our first 3D movie, Cliff posted about that earlier and his thoughts on it are the same as mine.. last night we ate at a hole in the wall burger joint down our street called Humdingers. It was pretty good, the shakes are especially delicious. We also played Scattergories and Clifford totally cheated BUT I will just have to get past it :) .... We are soo competitive its ridiculous....there were raised voices.. nothing was thrown though and the cops weren't called on us...although there's always next time :)

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