Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why in the heck would Brynn want to surf the internet on an EnV Touch? So can someone explain to me why without telling us about the REQUIRED monthly fee to pay for internet for a "multimedia" phone did Verizon push on us this big steaming pile of poop. This is the last straw, after talking to no less than three different Verizon representatives we have found out the only way out of this is by returning the phone but on the bright side it looks like at the time of her upgrade Brynn was out of contract and this could in fact drop the service as soon as they roll back the contract. She'll be heading to T-Mobile which at least offers a month to month service which is appealing to a couple of joes who got yanked around. There are companies on my bad list (HP being another notable one along with all the cell phone companies) and there are companies in my good list (AAA, best service ever). Guess which one you just made Verizon.

1 thoughts:

M.Hoiland said...

They surely did dish you a steaming pile of poop. Although I usually associated Verizon as a decent carrier.

I've had horrible issues with Sprint due to billing, and left them years ago. I hear that T-Mobile is similar in this avenue.

We're currently with AT&T, and even if their infrastructure isn't as amazing as Sprint and Verizon's, they do have amazing customer support and aren't out to trap you in hidden fees and tricks.

But in the end, it's always choosing between the lesser of the evils.