Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rotting my mind

I love television! Should I feel bad? Maybe, but last night we watched the season finale of Dexter and... wow! I can't believe it. What a great season finale. This is what amazes me about the television (and story tellers in general) is the ability to weave such intricate tales of happiness and woe and the satisfaction you feel reaching the end that road. Luckily for me there is another season to look forward to with each episode layering into a beautiful tapestry of television bliss. Yes, television rots your mind but oh how I love it, how I can't wait to vegetate a little more to Jon Hamm's John Ham and listening to twenty thousand selections that New Directions will choose for regionals (Brynn and I thought there was a little too much drama about the set list considering that before sectionals that they had sung about a million different songs). So here's to all the Dr. Horribles in the world, may the continue to drop truth bombs about bears, beets, and Battlestar Galactica.

PS I love movies... but that's another post..

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