Sunday, November 8, 2009

A proposition about art

When we went to the Cox's house today we saw the most magnificent decoration in the world... HOMEMADE ART. What they had done was give some family members some canvases and asked them to paint. Now mind you the the family has something like six kids but what came out was so great because on one wall of their house are the "fruits" of their labor. Each of the kids and mom had painted a different piece of fruit on a piece of canvas including the great oranges that look like a) chili peppers or b) carrots. So here is our proposition, we only have two pieces of art hanging on our walls and we need your help to fill the wall. Heck I would love to go around and get different pieces of canvases to give to you if you want to help in this project since my artistic abilities are limited to my world renowned stick figures, will your painting be the next Mona Lisa?

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