Friday, November 13, 2009


I love the kids on the bus. They are just about the best thing ever invented as they provide the cutest moments imaginable riding good ole' Trimet. Just today a mom was reading out loud to her son (which would have proved very annoying had it been someone just reading) and it was just about the greatest. The last thing that could be heard coming from her son's mouth as we pulled away was "Thaaaaaaaaaaank you Mr. Bus Driver" to which driver said nothing and kept going (you can always count on the drivers being surly, in fact a nice one often prompts their fair share of suspicion) which then started a conversation between another boy and his father trying to decipher what the boy had yelled at the driver. Of Trimet, Brynn observed how it presents one of the most unique cultural arenas because everyone is equal but it is proper etiquette to sit next to a complete stranger (which I do frequently because i'm in no way proud enough to pass up a seat, so go ahead stand up if you want, sucker) and not have make eye contact nor do you have to utter a single sentence. Perhaps the perfect one ride stand. There are of course a surplus of stories of those uncomfortable rides where you get stuck with the crazy talking to you about the original design for the statue of liberty (ok that was actually at Rovente's but he totally was a bus guy).

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