Sunday, November 1, 2009

Maybe we're not the biggest lame-o's

Pretty busy weekend including a little trip to the Roloff farm home of the stars of the Discovery Channel's, "Little People, Big World" a show about a family of little people. Take about schlock fest and a little full of themselves. One of my first impressions was the price of dirt has gone dramatically up with a small mason jar of apparently Oregon's finest is $8.00 a pop. Other than that the pumpkin patch wasn't too bad you could definitely tell that some of the money from the show had trickled down to the patch which considering it only cost two bucks to park was nice. Most people were there of course hoping to gawk at the Roloff's who fluttered about the patch and farm giving tours (that cost six bucks a piece and each time the trailers went out they were full to the brim) and posing for pictures, Bill got a picture with Amy (the mom). Cameras were a constant presence with signs posted in prominent places stating that by stepping onto the grounds you were giving consent to be on television. Don't think we'll be showing up anytime soon as the cameras spent most of the time up by the house. Funny thing though was that as soon as we stepped out of the car Brynn spotted Matt (the father) sitting in a gator chatting it up with a camera crew and had a total celebrity moment including the infamous "point". It was all I could do to not laugh/be embarrassed as I walked away. I love her but I do not think i'll let her live it down. One of my favorite features was the pumpkin fun house, whoever put that together is quite talented and pretty funny. It was one of the many features that made it a really decent patch. Craziest thing was the along with the standard petting zoo (which Brynn left deeming it too stinky) they had an exotic flair with Leo the lion, a cub of five months. Other than that Halloween was pretty low key with my call to slave labor with my first day alone at Soccerplex. Went pretty well though it was kind of a drag trying to find everything. Worst thing was was cleaning the women's bathroom and their extra "garbage" Grooooooooossssssss! I really dig the facility and everyone seems pretty cool, I like the prospect of helping grow the kids programs which will bring me a greater satisfaction to going to work everyday. This won't be our last Halloween and though it ended anti-climatic it brought the promise of busier Sundays to come. Today I was called to serve a teacher in the Elders Quorum. I am so grateful to be able to serve in the church and understandably somewhat antsy after not being able to do anything for a couple of months. Not that we should aspire for any position or calling but I know that has been my experience to grow giving me opportunity to strengthen my testimony in Jesus Christ.

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