Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pound for pound

Brynn's been a wee bit sick lately with the aches and pain but she's a fighter and you can call us Mr. Mover and Mrs. Shaker. After a weekend full of pumpkin patches and zoos, it's been game week. Personally I love games so much because it's a easy way to get a conversation going, putting everyone at ease (that is if you aren't playing Monopoly) and have fun all wrapped up in an activity. That and I like to win. Not that it matters, but I do. A lot. Win, win, win. And having fun.... winning. It's a funny psyche because when it comes to matters with kids this a dangerous mentality and one that I abhor. Having refereed and coach I have seen the desire to win be put before the welfare and enjoyment of the child. That's a big no no in my book but when it comes to personal matters as an adult it's ok to want to be the best. It doesn't preclude me from having fun or ruin my night if I lose (except at Boom Blox when the game cheats you). We've thoroughly enjoyed the week thus far really getting to know and enjoy the company of others and hope that we do this much more often (because we've have spent a little too much time letting Netflix and Hulu become our best friends) so invite us out. Also I think I have come to the conclusion Beatles Rockband is probably one of the top five video games, EVER. Yeah I said it, yet my heart always has a place for board games, especially Monopoly (because I WILL WIN).

2 thoughts:

Britt said...

So glad to know there is another "gaming" couple out there! Sunday was a blast, and needs a repeat. Brett and I are also fanatics of Monopoly and ready for a challenge. And Rock Band. Oh man, so much to do!

Clifford said...

I ordered another guitar for the occasion, so we have a full complement of "instruments" to rock our hearts out.