Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday dinner

Food is the quickest way to my heart. Bar none. One of the things that i've grown to love is spending Sunday with friends and having food, drinks, and games. This is a tradition that dates back to the days of Vatican I (ps very excited for the Vatican's Thanksgiving, Brynn and I are totally there) and one that remains dear to my heart. Hanging out around the firepit, kicking back a few, and relaxing. The week lying ahead never mattered because you were guaranteed to always be in good company. Now that tradition is revived in some form as we make our rounds in the Maplewood Ward, eating and greeting, getting to know the other couples of the ward. Granted the dynamics are a bit different with the odd kid thrown in here and there, negotiating bed times and shoe off rules, but it's just as great. The setting is reminiscent of the traditional American Sunday dinner, though admittedly growing up in my home we didn't have one, it was always guaranteed that we would be home to spend time with family because Sunday was usually a day that our busy bee activities didn't intrude to lure us away from the hive. I am so happy that we are in Portland, surrounded by so many friends and making new ones.

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