Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Glug, glug, glug

A sprinkler pipe burst at SoccerPlex due to this extreme cold snap and as the water cascaded down the stairs I wondered if I was seeing my future going down with it. Hopefully they have enough insurance to cover it and money won't be a problem because this is the type of problem that could burden a business, but since the indoor field and futsal court didn't get wet I think we will continue with business as usual. It was definitely a different atmosphere going into work today with water gushing through the ceiling and the fires alarms blaring.  I ended up canceling class which was a bummer because I had to see all the kids come in and one by one try to explain why there wouldn't be soccer today. Not to pleasant of a task (on top of the frantic race to suck up all the water creeping towards the field). But I continue to press on and I've started making plans to present the best case on why I should be in charge of developing our youth program. Started digging through they OYSA site which is full of fantastic stuff for aspiring soccer coaches which is something Trent and I have been talking about and getting nationally certified would be a tremendous step. Considering my journey into the world of soccer began in one of the Stott Center's gyms it wouldn't hurt to get some background in the game that I have grown to love. I only hope as I make the commitment to coaching that I will have to opportunity to again feel the experience the same passion I did when playing those rec teams. I have some trepidation moving forward as I've never really asked more of any of my superiors, not even a raise because I have always considered myself well paid but there is a certain point where you just want to be your own boss (or at least have some control in how things are done) in order to have to have a sense of ownership in the world.

2 thoughts:

Sofia D. Hoiland said...

That's a bummer about the water pipes! Good job keeping the turfs safe indoors! Getting nationall certified sounds like a great thing for you since you love what you do, good luck Clifford!

Sofia D. Hoiland said...
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