Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stretch Armstrong

It seems like forever since i've visited the site but nary a week has passed before I doth putteth letters upon this page. A few winners and losers of the past week.

Dorks in a goofy looking hats scored a big win in WINTER STORM '09! You may laugh but as I stood at the bus stop for over an hour and a half my ears were completely toasty? How about yours? Oh... you were inside... dang you. Unfortunaltely for Brynn, Jack Frost forgot to inform her of his plans and she ended up freezing throughout a hellacious four attempt to leave downtown Portland and get home to the warm, warm, heater that I had turned on for her. I believe she got off at 5:00 and caught the 4:15 Sherwood Express which deposited her safely at the transit center around 10:00 pm. At least she wasn't the lady look forlorn when she learned that her bus was due at 6:00... AM! To paraphrase Brynn when the snow blows into Portland all bets are off as people turn into crazy aborigines, stabbing everyone looking to just get ahead.

Your tax dollars lost a big one this year as Portland proved that it is consistent in one thing... year in year out they are woefully unprepared for the frozen miracle from the sky. Let your votes do the talking.

What is it about money and losers. Unitus Credit Union who I allowed to protected by my banner of "they can do no wrong" screwed us over majorly as they told us we would not qualify for a loan or a credit card (no history) to pay for Brynn's education. If that wasn't bad, they were the same people who gave us the advice to wait until we really needed it to apply for said loan before leaving us scrambling on how to finance the term. Tom, the same guy who signed us up and called month after month reminding us that we could sign up for an unsecured credit card broke the news so this one's for you...
Finally we end on a positive note. Christmas. Always a winner was made even sweeter by spending time with two families this year. I wish there was enough time in the world to visit with each one of you during Christmas and New Years but suffice to say we love you all and may the new year bring many great treasures.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fa la la la la

Happy Birthday Brynn! We took to the streets and hit our first karaoke joint just off Sandy last night, the very classy Ambassador lounge. These guys are serious about their karaoke with two lounges for singing, a computerized system in which you can reserve your spot online, and a huuuuuuuge neon sign right smack dab on the side of the building sporting a man and a woman singing their hearts out. Unfortunately we couldn't stay around long enough  to test our chops at singing our favorite BSB hits but hey it was late.Really fun to get out and see everyone and we are so grateful that the state has gone smoke free in bars. Now if only they would make a point of regulating the cost of drinks because no way in heck does a bottle of Henry Weinhard's finest Root Beer cost three and half dollars! They literally rob you blind right in front of with a flick of your signature. Oh well, it was all about the experience.

Found this video through Gizmodo as we closed the night and as we close upon the close of this first decade of the 00's this will easily make anyone from our generation feel instantly old.

Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Sister

We weren't twins. I am older by two years, she's the baby of the family. I am a boy and she is a girl. And remarkably to the discerning eye it is hard to tell we belong to the same family. The years have passed and we get older and older and beautiful things keep happening in our worlds. She is the mother of a beautiful boy. I am newly married. After the countless schemes and jobs she has finally become a CNA. I am going back to school to interpret. But all you have to do is to sit us on a couch and before long you will know over all the shouting that we are brother and sister. I love how often over the years she has tolerated my hair brained schemes and my dodgy dealings, I in fact still own 51% of the clubhouse, how's that RC Car treating you? She is the only one who I could ever turn to for advice about the girls I dated after a disastrous flirtation led me to putting a bag of candy in Ashley McCutchen's desk (nice idea mom!) only never to hear a word and have my hopes crushed by the girl of my third grade dreams. Audrey's the one who was always there to hone my backyard dominance of baseball, football, and soccer even if only lasted long enough for me to gloat. Always the cook I loved sneaking in the kitchen when her desserts were cooling and grabbing a piece only to later deny everything because maybe the boogeyman ate it. I believe she still owes me for the time that she came home and dropped on the couch after girls camp when I stuck a pen up her nose. I always admire at how everyone remembers such her indelible personality and how i've become "Audrey's brother", though it's not a big deal how I lay claim to some of that as she did listen to music and hung out my friends come over. I will never cease to be protective of her and always eye with suspicion anyone she is with but in reality I know how strong woman she has grown up to be. Everyday I am excited at the prospect of being an uncle to Michael because I know with a mother as cool as Audrey that he will be funny, relaxed, and a pure clever. I can always count on her to save me in fashion emergencies and always groan when I get preachy. I hope so much that one day we will be able to go to the temple together and that our family will be eternal. I know that her heart is gold and the Lord will see her through the storms, she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her. Because when you really are brother and sister your blood is thicker from all the love you have for each other.

My mom

I'm a mama's boy and happy to be one. I've never been left for wanting in her house and out of it. Neither have my friends or anyone who enters through her door. In fact years have gone and they know that the first place they can visit is the fridge of my mother's kitchen. For years I have had to learn to share her with the people who are in need of an angel in their lives. I've rarely seen her angry and too often disappointed by the things I have done. Nothing is as poignant as the guilt one feels as one who so weary lifts her hand to wash the dishes you said you would clean. A tender and watchful eye always accompanied the sickness that would ravage a young son's body and with great care would she nurse health back through the soul. Always attentive to her boy's worldly whims every birthday and holiday were but filled the frivolous joys that brings happiness for a moment. My Super Nintendo a present that took us to the far reaches of Mill City so that I could once again suit up as Mario and travel throughout the Mushroom Kingdom in search of my lost princess. It was my mom who sat on the couch and watched and my laughter, groans, and odd tittering filled the air at my approval of at her wisdom. Who knew my greatest gift would be the compassion she would bestow upon me and teach me to share with others, as love has a way of multiplying and adding a measure of true happiness to each of our lives. How she took care to instill me with a sense of family as she made sure each of their names would be etched into my heart as she lived far away from the land she called home. For all the dances and the music something that make my body quiver every time I hear music ring, the sheer love of traditions of a people who I can call brother and sister because we are all boricuas. The unknown in which she led us into which would bring my sister and I eternal joy as she became the pioneer in our family bringing the gospel into our home. The faithfulness that she has always demonstrated being always welcoming to home teachers and others into our home who would show us what it meant to server the Lord even when she had bratty teens who were into hearing another lesson from a prophet. The sacrifice she has put in which has helped me see what it means to put the Lord first in your life. In the quiet moments as she is on her knees I know she prays for each of us that the Lord will help lead us into our place in the eternities. I have been to edge where one sees the pain that death brings to one's soul, the separation that burns through the body, I have seen that on my mother's face as she buries brothers and sisters, a mother and father, uncles and aunts. One of the most haunting realities I have experienced was knowing that when we were in an car accident and she turned to me blood running down her face to comfort me or when I sat by her bedside coaxing her to drink some fluids someday that would be my pain. A boy without his mother. Yet as we walk the planes of eternity I know that her lasting legacy will be the fact that we will never be devoid of each other's company and that her love will shine through eternity.

My dad

Where to start? Well probably at my excitement when he came back from his cross country trip which took him to Texas, Mississippi, up to Ohio, through Wisconsin and the fact that this was all done in order to fix some houses. And that face that he will probably end up repeating it again sometime next spring.  Or how grateful I was when someone rung our doorbell (a rarity) and voila it be the one and only Captain Willy back from his voyage! How at times when our family struggled without him and my worries turned to my mom who was all alone I felt a real yearning for the steady presence he brings into our lives. The discussions that have occurred and my big head has gotten filled with opinions about what will be the next big thing in technology and going back and forth on it (Dad, i'm still a wannabe Apple man).  How I hated working for him outside when it was wet, when it was warm, when it was breezy, when it cold, on the roof, in the living room, somewhere in the country, at my grandma's house and how I wish everyday I had paid attention to all that was being taught about being your own handyman. The smell of wood and it was being chewed up by his table saw and the dust that reeked of dead trees. Knowing that Michael is the hands of the best Grandfather in the world. That I could every night walk up to the plate and know that my dad would be cheering me on and that after the game he never would berate me but hug me and take me out to eat a victory meal, win or lose. I remember the strict discipline that dad wasn't the one you messed with, early on he would beat your butt and later he would ground you from the North v. South basketball game that you had to listen to on the radio while I finished the dishes and I will never forget that one night how late we stayed up that one night while I wrote lines and until he was satisfied that I had learned my lesson. Newspapers had to be delivered in any condition but I was never left alone to gaze at the Big Dipper as the sun stole away it's shine. Never the one to forget fun my dad could always be counted on to pick up the controller to play a little NBA Jam before school and try to beat me at Risk after (sorry dad we cheated you that one game, we can have the rematch anytime you want). My pride at our father-son Vatican poker game as my dad cleaned out the competition and funded yet another pizza run with the winnings, my memories of the many late nights came flooding back of him cleaning out or meager pile of toothpicks as we sat around and were schooled by a master. The many preparations it took to finally move our big blue moving truck out of the state of New York and the nights we spent at Pizza Hut playing Tecmo Bowl while we got ready. How I have often wondered at the feelings one has being deaf. Times where I stood behind him talking a lot of nonsense and enjoying the benfits of playing my music as loud as I wanted. The gifts that he gave me of keen and inquisitve intellect. The blessing that it is to know how to sign. The words that never came out of his mouth, "you can't do it" and the words that I want him to know but will never reach his ears, "I love you".

Christmas time

I think one of the most exciting things about Christmas is giving presents. I love to see the face of the person I give the gift to, hoping that when I passed through the store weeks ago that I had indeed picked up just the right thing. To this end with Brynn I have been bugging her to open different presents throughout the month but as a staunch "it's supposed to be a surprise" advocate I've made little head way. Granted there has been some progress, such as taking her to the Spoon concert for her birthday (due to a lack of over 21 shows playing that would be worth going to) and that same night I was able to get her to relent to accepting her new pea coat (which was the worst because I felt so bad all this winter having bought it and she was going to work in thin little hoodies in sub freezing temperatures, but hey I tried)! Finally as a pseudo birthday present (her family came up on Wednesday) I got her to indulge in a playing little New Mario Bros Wii. To this end I think I can say that this Christmas so far, so good.
I got a raise this past week which buoys our spirits as this Christmas has brought the realities of  what poor college students should live like. We had been living fairly comfortably off the savings of a year of just plain hard work but as little expenses ate away our pile of Uncle Scrooge gold, budgeting and personal finance has really come front and center into our lives. Thankfully we have jobs in which we earn a healthy living and are doing the things we need to do (educating ourselves) in order to further our economic means. The Lord has been good to us. On the flip side with the added income I have been delegated new tasks to work on whilst under the employment of SoccerPlex, none which has me working with kids more than I do. It's a sad trade off as I think I understand that perhaps now is not the time for me to lead the Kids Play program but I will continue to develop my skills in order to illuminate the different qualities I have to offer and maybe it will lead me in a different direction. I owe a lot to my experiences to my jobs at the YMCA and Salem Indoor Soccer. When Jimmy took over the SoccerTots program I got an insiders look at what it is like to learn the ropes and take over a program, that in my opinion pretty successful considering some of the circumstances that hinder Salem Indoor. I think what I really got to see with Jimmy and Vernon (and really the whole staff there) was what the look of real dedication to their jobs and clientel. This is something that has rubbed off on me and has really allowed for me to rise so quickly in the eyes of Jessica and Trent at SoccerPlex. I know that everything will sort out in the end and I am so grateful for all that I have, especially a beautiful wife who I love so much. What a great season we are in where the yuletide cheer can bring us all a little more happiness in our lives. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rotting my mind

I love television! Should I feel bad? Maybe, but last night we watched the season finale of Dexter and... wow! I can't believe it. What a great season finale. This is what amazes me about the television (and story tellers in general) is the ability to weave such intricate tales of happiness and woe and the satisfaction you feel reaching the end that road. Luckily for me there is another season to look forward to with each episode layering into a beautiful tapestry of television bliss. Yes, television rots your mind but oh how I love it, how I can't wait to vegetate a little more to Jon Hamm's John Ham and listening to twenty thousand selections that New Directions will choose for regionals (Brynn and I thought there was a little too much drama about the set list considering that before sectionals that they had sung about a million different songs). So here's to all the Dr. Horribles in the world, may the continue to drop truth bombs about bears, beets, and Battlestar Galactica.

PS I love movies... but that's another post..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Spoon me...

Well it will be a December to remember. We are poor, cold, and happy. School is coming up and we are realizing how much it will take to pay for it but luckily we have been blessed with financial aid and come January 1, FASFA time! Cold, well because it's fraking cold outside and though the temperature climbed some i'm still shaking my booty off outside. Had to bust out Mr. Trench Coat for some added warmth while waiting for those big steel beasts. But as always our happiness lies in the fact that we have each other. And with it so cold in our apartment we get to snuggle a little more closely in the shadow of our mighty Douglas Fir which stands majestically at the entrance of our newly decorated living room (I would say we are now officially moved in now that Brynn has had some womanly influence when it comes to decorating). Slowly but surely we will decorate it, maybe tonight with a one o'clock frenzy of Christmas Cheer or not, been kind of sick this past week. I got it off some old guy who has been selling trees for over thirty years from the house he built of Garden Home, back when it must have been the "country". Nice guy but I hadn't realized how expensive trees are especially Nobles, which must rake in the dough for those lots that pop up all over the place. However I am not looking back and am content with representing Oregon and it's state tree, woot!

Brynn and I swayed, pushed (well really we got pushed by the mob of sixteen year olds), and rocked out to the last of this year's 94/7's "December to Remember" shows. Headlining was Spoon and though I think the keyboardist looks mighty mournful as though he feels left out from the triangle of power, the band played a fantastic set. Black Joe Lewis provided a nice opening act full of sound that reminded me of James Brown meeting southern rock/blues (think Mississippi). Best part was the lively horn section which complemented the lead singer who looks (and sounds like) Dave Chappelle (is it a black thing, NO! Just stating the facts ma'm), and one of the the brothers from the Proclaimers playing the drums. I was glad to get out and parking was particularly easy to find though it mean that Brynn and I were early to a show which allowed us a prime position but it meant standing around for forty five minutes for the show to start. There was this other girl who played a two song set between the big acts, Anya Marina, not worth remembering, cue to start erasing her from my conscience now... done.
Just reading up on interwebs... one thing that I have always been jealous of is my friends musical talents. I'm sure with plenty of work I could someday plop down at the piano and play but I want that ability now. It's one of two superpowers that I wish for, to become a master composer/writer (of music) which is enhanced by the ability to pick up anything and play it (well), real life Music man (the other power would be to either fix anything I needed or speak any language so in part this is all the stuff you saw John Travolata pull in "Phenomenon" but i'll pass on the cancer.) This need continues to grow as I've succumbed to the Rock Band craze and my inner musician is frustrated by the fact that I am pressing five colored buttons which is all a ruse to make me believe I am making music. All this to bring me to this point... see some friends, who can play music, this Wednesday (16th of December) at the Hawthorne Theater at 8pm. The way I understand it Britt and Brett are forming a new band Johan and this will be their debut performance with three other bands for the low, low price of four bucks. And if you want some advice head over to Pepino's to grab a burrito before the show.
Finally as Christmas draws a little closer, even more music can be heard dancing in the air, why not warm yourself up with a nice hot chocolate this next Saturday the 19th at our house? We are getting together to watch a Christmas movie (or maybe play some games) and having a hot chocolate potluck where you either bring your favorite kind or the best mix ins you can find.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nice run

It's only been seven months and I have to say I am still amazed at the fact that you get to be married to someone whom you love and the prospect only gets better because there is more time ahead. I wouldn't say seven months is the greatest of all achievements but ti's something that we share and do so happily and lovingly. As Brynn and I watch the new year approach we eagerly await as the seconds count down and we can claim 2009 as our own, one of many to come. I am so grateful that the Lord has allowed me to make the choices I have so that I can say with happiness that I was in the right place at the right time. With each passing moment we take another step into the blessings that we will share for eternity.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Glug, glug, glug

A sprinkler pipe burst at SoccerPlex due to this extreme cold snap and as the water cascaded down the stairs I wondered if I was seeing my future going down with it. Hopefully they have enough insurance to cover it and money won't be a problem because this is the type of problem that could burden a business, but since the indoor field and futsal court didn't get wet I think we will continue with business as usual. It was definitely a different atmosphere going into work today with water gushing through the ceiling and the fires alarms blaring.  I ended up canceling class which was a bummer because I had to see all the kids come in and one by one try to explain why there wouldn't be soccer today. Not to pleasant of a task (on top of the frantic race to suck up all the water creeping towards the field). But I continue to press on and I've started making plans to present the best case on why I should be in charge of developing our youth program. Started digging through they OYSA site which is full of fantastic stuff for aspiring soccer coaches which is something Trent and I have been talking about and getting nationally certified would be a tremendous step. Considering my journey into the world of soccer began in one of the Stott Center's gyms it wouldn't hurt to get some background in the game that I have grown to love. I only hope as I make the commitment to coaching that I will have to opportunity to again feel the experience the same passion I did when playing those rec teams. I have some trepidation moving forward as I've never really asked more of any of my superiors, not even a raise because I have always considered myself well paid but there is a certain point where you just want to be your own boss (or at least have some control in how things are done) in order to have to have a sense of ownership in the world.

Just about finished

One more final to go and what an awesome feeling. Life is peachy and all I have to do is work and sit back and relax until next term. Each of the finals went pretty well all that is left is my ASL final which should be good. Too bad it is conflicting with my sister's graduation from her CNA program. I wish her the best and I am very proud of her. It showed great resolve to do what it takes to get an education and do right by herself and for Michael. Now if only she would get an interpreter...
Been itching somewhat as I have started teaching on a weekly basis and had special circumstance to go down to Salem and get a few classes in. I want to move up. I have been teaching for about eight years now and I think I have what it would take to manage a program. What's exciting about SoccerPlex is that there isn't one but rather a smattering of classes. With what I learned down in Salem (thank you James, Jimmy, and Vern) I think I have the chops to do well. I won't lie in saying the motivation also dwells on money which has been on my mind a lot recently, mainly how we plan on paying for school for Brynn. Next fall it won't be much of problem because goodness knows we will be filling out the FASFA come the turn of the year but that still leaves two terms that we will have to take a loan out. Thankfully Brynn is a much more committed student that I and a loan for her is a good hands and will go over much better than my previous experience.
I love OPB music. One of the discoveries I have made aside from their fantastic Saturday evening programming is their in studio sessions that they post on the web. What is wonderful is that they include lots of local Portland bands that often bring the noise appearing in the Willamette Weekly and Portland Mercury but that I never get the chance to vet for because either I am too busy, too poor, or a combination of both.
Tree day is almost here. We had a little setback as the Boy Scout troop that was supposed to be selling trees at SoccerPlex never materialized on Saturday so we continue to be treeless to Brynn's chagrin. We have just about everything else ready to go including our first stand and I think Brynn has set her heart on a spot right by the couches just as you come in (displacing my stalwart drum set and guitars). I think tomorrow we will end up venturing to Swan Island but I was able to pick up a farm guide so we will see.
Cheap deal going on next Saturday the 19th, we are having a X-Treme Hot Chocolate Party at our house. We have some Stephen's and because of the recommendation of Britt and Brett we will pick up some more delicious drinks in addition to our wonderful flavor enhancers of hazelnut syrup, candy canes, and marshmallows. Feel free to come and to bring your favorites, we are going to have games and of course what would it be without a Christmas movie.

Friday, December 4, 2009

My battle...

I have spent the last fifteen minutes in a sort of bemused/bored battle with Facebook ads. You all of course have seen the "x" the adorns the upper right hand corner of any Facebook ad but the question is, have you clicked on it? It'll offer you some options as to why you don't want the ad to be shown, all pretty generic fare until you reach the selection for "other". The surprise that holds... how wonderful, wonderful enough to pass fifteen minutes of my life clicking on ad after ad so I could fill in the box and think of clever things (and less than clever things) to espouse my opinion about the ad. All because I know someone will read it and wonder, "What mental malfunction does this guy have?" Well i'll tell you. I have a job that is very cyclical in nature where for stretches I will think about gouging my eyes out just to have something to do and the next minute be slammed by five hundred people who want millions of different things and they wanted it five minutes ago. Anyway fun little exercise (especially after I scored three Pizza Schmizza ads, it's like playing the slot machines) and I am happy to have gone through it for you so that you can move onto bigger and better things.

PS I know this post will ironically show up on Facebook... so aware.

Things I like.

I've been looking around and there are things that I like, that are amazing, and just make a person happy.

* Walking around on your phone being unobtrusive and being able to kick piles of leaves (they hadn't been raked) and just hearing the sound of the leaves swishing, scrapping, and fluttering by your feet. Also not having my phone. The other day I couldn't find my phone (I had left it on silent and apprently it snuck under the couch) and it was glorious. Now Brynn and I have had this conversation over and over but, I do appreciate the convienence of the phone but it's good to know that there are times in which the world can't get at you.

* Holiday spirit. Admittedly I may be a grinch at sometimes (like when it comes to putting up decorations, I want to see nothing before December 1st) but I love the way Brynn gets so into the holiday. I did get my way but she has pressed forward and Father Time has aided her cause and she now flutters about in full Christmas mode. And I love semis with wreaths on their grills. Classic.

* Children having fun. I love when kids go to classes/practices (whether it may be my soccer class or a ballet class on campus) they are in it for the fun. Yes they may pick up a skill here and there but when a child tells their parents that their excited to go to _______, it is because they know they can be themselves and have fun. That why I love what I do.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We are free!

Happy December, Water Crisis 2009 is finally over and we've apparently go clean water running again (or so they say). The way I kind of understand it is that Portland stores it's waters in reservoirs around the city, the ones in Washington Park and Mt. Tabor Park being the ones I actually know of  and then pipes it from there to us. Both are open reservoirs which though they are gated, they are open, out in the air. In the past they have argued about closing them up but to that end I remain in the dark on what happened other than the fact they must have said no. Following the issue, I read that they may not know where the E. Coli came from but i'm sure the whole of Portland should be on the edge, as this serves as a nice reminder to everyone to keep extra food and water on hand. What was surprising was how many members (including us) were unprepared and had to boil water which would have been an easy problem to remedy had we been prepared with a few extra gallons of water. Lesson learned.
Thanksgiving was a hoot and am grateful our families lives so close. We have a few friends who have to travel back and forth to visit their families out of state (and who would want to leave this sweet land of Oregon)  I can only imagine how dreadful that on a regular basis (especially if you are poor newlyweds). Yay for Dallas and Salem, Oregon!